Nathan T Cary, DDS

​500 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424, 585.394.3322
Tooth Extraction

Extraction of teeth is probably the most common procedure done in an Oral Surgeon’s office. Dental extractions are usually completed with local anesthesia (“novocain”), but can also be performed using intravenous general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The procedure can be quite simple and not likely to result in significant postoperative problems, but tooth or teeth extraction can sometimes be rather involved.
Factors influencing the relative difficulty of the procedure include:
A. Tooth location
B. Structural condition of the tooth or teeth
C. Presence of infection
D. Presence of dental crowding (limited available space)
E. Density of bone supporting the tooth or teeth
F. Condition of adjacent teeth
G. TMJ (jaw joint) problems limiting mouth opening or general comfort
H. General age and health of the patient
I. Anesthesia used
Dr. Phillip Cary has practiced oral surgery for over thirty years. Dr. Nathan Cary joined the practice in 2018 after having completed four years of dental school training and a four year residency in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. They have collectively extracted well over 100,000 teeth. Every effort is made to make the procedure as comfortable and atraumatic as possible.
A consultation prior to surgery is advised for cases that involve extraction of multiple teeth, for patients with compromised health (particularly heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or significant physical or emotional/cognitive/psychologic disabilities), when general anesthesia or IV sedation is required, and for the very young patient.